
KTH Scholarships 2023-2024

The KTH scholarship is been organized yearly with a specific number of intake candidates. You have to apply for the KTH scholarship as your first choice and remember that they give their scholarship based on your performance.

After the KTH must have granted you the qualified applicant admission that is when you should make payment of any tuition fee. Apart from applying for the KTH master’s degree program they also have other scholarships such as;

  • KTH One-Year Scholarship
  • KTH Joint Program Scholarship
  • KTH India Scholarship

Host Institution(s):

KTH Royal Institution Of Technology In Sweden

Level/Field(s) Of Study:

Every program is inclusive apart from joint Erasmus+, EIT Digital, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Urban Mobility, and Nordic Five Tech programs, and the joint programs Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering.

Number Of Scholarships:

Thirteen percent of the scholarship applicants admitted to the program in 2022 were nominated for the KTH Scholarship (75 out of 564).

Target Group:

Citizens from non-EU/EEA/EFTA countries

Scholarship Value/Inclusions/Duration

Over time it’s not simple to see any scholarship that offers accommodation, however, the KTH scholarship takes care of your tuition for two years hopefully. That is if your previous result is up to their requirement.


You must be able to pay for your tuition fee, conditional eligibility students are also allowed to apply and you have to pick them as your first choice.

To be eligible you will apply for the master’s program in KTH and as we stated before the KTH program is based on merit.

After that, the selection will be made and those who passed all stages/requirements will be enrolled in the program at KTH scholarship.

Application Instruction:

We said earlier for you to enter this program you must have applied for a master’s degree program in any of the eligible programs in KTH precisely.

The application starts on the 1st of December 2022 and ends on the 16th of January 2023 and all applicants must do so through the online portal University Admissions.

However, to avoid mistakes on your application you should check their official website at KTH Scholarships and figure out how to apply diligently.